Course Curriculum

    1. Lesson 1.1. What's Microcopy?

    2. Lesson 1.2. Why Is Microcopy Important?

    3. Lesson 1.3. Who Should Take This Course

    4. Lesson 1.4. Understanding What People Say

    5. Lesson 1.5. Importance of Developing Voice and Tone Guidelines

    6. Lesson 1.6. Key Elements in Microcopy

    7. Quiz 1

    1. Lesson 2.1. Users' Reading Levels and Technical Familiarity

    2. Lesson 2.2. Use Levels (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)

    3. Lesson 2.3. Brand Lifecycle

    4. Lesson 2.4. Brand's Mission and Vision

    5. Lesson 2.5. Brand's Values, Ideas and Principles

    6. Lesson 2.6. Brand's Personality

    7. Quiz 2

    1. Lesson 3.1. Demographics and User Personas

    2. Lesson 3.2. Pain Points and Needs

    3. Lesson 3.3. Dreams, Hopes, and Wants

    4. Lesson 3.4. Concerns and Objections

    5. Lesson 3.5. Perceived Relationship with the Brand, the Product, or the Organization

    6. Lesson 3.6. Competing Products

    7. Quiz 3

    1. Lesson 4.1. Safety, Security, and Satisfaction Guarantee

    2. Lesson 4.2. Compatibility with Operating Systems

    3. Lesson 4.3. Freshness

    4. Lesson 4.4. No Obligation

    5. Lesson 4.5. Data Privacy

    6. Lesson 4.6. No Crap, No Bullshit

    7. Lesson 4.7. That Welcoming Feeling

    8. Lesson 4.8. Less Interruption, but If You Must...

    9. Quiz 4

    1. Lesson 5.1. It's Working, Not "In Service"

    2. Lesson 5.2. It's Clear and There's Help

    3. Lesson 5.3. It's Removed

    4. Lesson 5.4. It Shows the Next Step

    5. Lesson 5.5. It's Giving Options (404 Error)

    6. Lesson 5.6. It Explains

    7. Quiz 5

    1. Lesson 6.1. Mindset

    2. Lesson 6.2. Pronouns

    3. Lesson 6.3. Active Voice

    4. Lesson 6.4. No Ambiguity

    5. Lesson 6.5. Symmetry

    6. Lesson 6.6. Outcome Oriented

    7. Lesson 6.7. Keep It Short and Simple (KISS)

    8. Lesson 6.8. Grammar

    9. Quiz 6

Microcopy Writing

  • $79.00
  • 47 lessons

What You'll Learn

  • Defining Users

    Defining user personas, identifying pain points, and fostering a positive relationship with the brand/product lay the foundation for a strong UX.

  • Gaining Trust & Showing the Way

    Gaining users' trust and showing the way to them are essential in developing a good microcopy.

  • Voice & Tone

    Voice and tone are large parts of microcopy, which must be instilled with both empathy and consideration.

Why Microcopy is Important

Any word, phrase, label, or tab is a microcopy. Even the simple "start" and "submit" buttons.

Microcopy writing is the only type of writing where less is more. The fewer the words, the better. It takes a lot of brain to make something a no-brainer.

Why You Need This Course

Be ready for the job! Learn the small details that make a huge difference in user experience

  • Write texts, labels, tooltips, instructions, error messages, pages

  • Increase conversion with microcopy

  • Delight users with positive experience

  • Learn the best practices and tools of the trade

  • Set up a portfolio

  • Get certified as a proof of mastery

Who's This for?

Anyone with interest in creating better user experience, increase conversion, and revenue generation

  • Writers of all stripes: copywriters, technical writers, bloggers, journalists, story tellers.

  • Designers: product designers, graphic designers, industrial designers, web designers.

  • Technologists: engineers, scientists, instructors, researchers.

  • Entrepreneurs, marketers, business managers

  • Non-techie career changers looking for ways to break into the tech industry

Master microcopy in hours and be ready for the job

Learn how small details make a huge difference in user satisfaction