Course Curriculum

    1. Lesson 1.1 Understanding Chatbots: What They Are and How They Work

    2. Lesson 1.2 Brief History of Chatbots and Conversational AI

    3. Lesson 1.3 Understanding Natural Language Processing (NLP)

    4. Lesson 1.4 Importance of Conversational Design

    5. Lesson 1.5 Different Types of Chatbots: Rule-Based, Self-Learning, and Hybrid

    6. Lesson 1.6 Current Chatbot Platforms and Tools

    7. Lesson 1.7 Chatbot Applications: Industries and Use Cases

    8. Lesson 1.8 Introduction to Chatbot Scripting Languages

    9. Lesson 1.9 Ethics in Chatbot Development

    10. Lesson 1.10 Overview of the Chatbot Development Process

    11. Quiz 1

    1. Lesson 2.1 Understanding User Personas and User Stories

    2. Lesson 2.2 Designing the Chatbot Persona

    3. Lesson 2.3 The Role of Tone and Voice in Chatbot Conversations

    4. Lesson 2.4 Conversation Flow: The Role of Context

    5. Lesson 2.5 Designing User-friendly Prompts and Responses

    6. Lesson 2.6 Creating Effective Error Messages and Fallbacks

    7. Lesson 2.7 Balancing Human and Machine Elements

    8. Lesson 2.8 Designing for Accessibility and Inclusivity

    9. Lesson 2.9 Testing and Iterating Conversational Flows

    10. Lesson 2.10 Understanding Metrics and Performance Indicators

    11. Quiz 2

    1. Lesson 3.1 Introduction to Chatbot Scripting

    2. Lesson 3.2 Writing Effective Greetings and Introductions

    3. Lesson 3.3 Crafting Informative, Persuasive, and Emotive Responses

    4. Lesson 3.4 Writing Scripts for User Guidance

    5. Lesson 3.5 Designing Scripts for Handling Complex Conversations

    6. Lesson 3.6 Strategies for Effective Error Handling in Scripts

    7. Lesson 3.7 Handling User Feedback and Complaints

    8. Lesson 3.8 Writing for Continuity: Ensuring Seamless Handover to Human Agents

    9. Lesson 3.9 Scripting for Personalization and Context Awareness

    10. Lesson 3.10 Best Practices in Chatbot Scripting

    11. Quiz 3

    1. Lesson 4.1 Conversational UX: Designing for a Natural Interaction

    2. Lesson 4.2 Advanced Natural Language Understanding (NLU)

    3. Lesson 4.3 Designing Multi-modal Conversations: Voice, Text, and Beyond

    4. Lesson 4.4 Multilingual Chatbot Design

    5. Lesson 4.5 Using Machine Learning for Conversational Design

    6. Lesson 4.6 Integrating External APIs for Richer Conversations

    7. Lesson 4.7 Conversation Repair Strategies

    8. Lesson 4.8 Advanced Scripting Techniques for Chatbots

    9. Lesson 4.9 Conversational Analytics and User Behavior Insights

    10. Lesson 4.10 Ethical Considerations for Advanced Conversational Design

    11. Quiz 4

    1. Lesson 5.1 The Chatbot Project: From Concept to Launch

    2. Lesson 5.2 Gathering and Defining User Requirements

    3. Lesson 5.3 Prototyping and Storyboarding for Chatbots

    4. Lesson 5.4 Developing and Training the Chatbot

    5. Lesson 5.5 Testing and Quality Assurance for Chatbots

    6. Lesson 5.6 Deploying the Chatbot: Strategies and Best Practices

    7. Lesson 5.7 Maintenance and Continuous Improvement

    8. Lesson 5.8 Evaluating Chatbot Success: Metrics and KPIs

    9. Lesson 5.9 Scaling Chatbot Solutions

    10. Lesson 5.10 Case Studies: Successful Chatbot Projects

    11. Quiz 5

    1. Lesson 6.1 Current Trends in Chatbot Technology

    2. Lesson 6.2 The Role of AI and Machine Learning in Future Chatbots

    3. Lesson 6.3 Emerging Platforms and Technologies for Chatbots

    4. Lesson 6.4 The Impact of Voice Assistants on Chatbot Development

    5. Lesson 6.5 The Role of Chatbots in the Internet of Things (IoT)

    6. Lesson 6.6 The Intersection of Virtual Reality (VR) and Chatbots

    7. Lesson 6.7 Ethical Implications of Advanced Chatbots

    8. Lesson 6.8 The Role of Chatbots in Privacy and Security

    9. Lesson 6.9 Skills and Competencies for the Next Generation of Chatbot Writers

    10. Lesson 6.10 Final Reflection: The Role of the Chatbot Writer in an AI-Driven World

    11. Quiz 6

Writing for Chatbots

  • $119.00
  • 67 lessons

What You'll Learn

  • Chatbot & Conversational Design

    Understanding chatbot technologies and conversational designs, how to make them work together, and their best practices.

  • Scripting, Machine Learning & NLU

    Working with chatbot scripts and recognizing types of machine learning and NLU technologies and their applications.

  • From Concept to Launch & Trends

    Developing chatbot projects from concept to launch, including prototyping, training, and testing. Scaling chatbot solutions and identifying trends in AI, chatbots, and intersections of technologies.

Why Chatbot Writing is Important

At the heart of chatbot technology is the principle of interaction. That is, the software is designed to converse with a human in a natural, approachable manner.

Mobile apps and websites using chatbots depend on trained writers to design conversations that bring out the best of the product and satisfy users.

Why You Need This Course

Learn the skills and be ready to work as a chatbot writer who masters conversational flow and platforms

  • Develop chatbot conversations

  • Increase conversion with chatbots

  • Learn the best practices and tools of the trade

  • Set up a portfolio

  • Get certified as a proof of mastery

Who's This for?

Anyone with interest in creating better user experience, increase conversion, and revenue generation

  • Writers of all stripes: copywriters, technical writers, bloggers, journalists, story tellers.

  • Designers: product designers, graphic designers, industrial designers, web designers.

  • Technologists: engineers, scientists, instructors, researchers.

  • Entrepreneurs, marketers, business managers

  • Non-techie career changers looking for ways to break into the tech industry

Write for chatbots and be ready to earn more

Learn how to create conversations using chatbot platforms and deploy successful persona.